Prednáška: Children of war - Behind the design of This War of Mine: The Little Ones

Introducing children, and their perspective of being trapped in a warzone, was one of the biggest challenges of my life. It crosses a thin line. This talk is about that challenge and about being part of the team making This War of Mine: The Little Ones. What is the story behind the design? How did we handle the narration, gameplay and presenting tragedies of the kids? And why it was so hard for us as game designers, parents and human beings?
Speaker: Pawel Szyszka
Pawel Szyszka: Game Designer, fiction writer and irresponsible sports enthusiast involved in late pre-release and further development of This War of Mine. Responsible for big part of sound design, narration, dialogues, and gameplay implementation. In long-term love with post-apocaliptic fiction, video games and movies.
Termín: 14:00, 21.11.2015 (sobota)
Miesto: kinosála CINEMAX Bratislava, 2. podlažie (133A)